I found it!
After many months of introspection, of search of questions, of doubts and trials, I found the name of my coaching enterprise. It came to me strongly after my holidays...
Lightbeam coaching...
At first, I thought I would call it A Passion for Life...But it was complicated... even if my motivation was true... Because we only have one, and like someone said, it starts when you realise that
A passion because life is only worthy if you live it fully, in it's full potentials. A passion because I am someone that is enthusiastic and convinced that we have in ourselves and around ourselves all the resources that we need to walk on our life path and make it as beautiful and satisfying as it can be.
That way can take multiple forms. It can be an Alpine trail, sinewy, steep and inspiring by it's hardness and beauty. It can be a 6 lanes Highway, easy, regular but still full of dangers if you become to complacent. It can be a Pilgrimage in landscapes full of history and spirituality. It can be a Marine Route of worlds to discover and maybe conquer or tame. It can be the Silk Road made of beautiful encounters and exhilarating spices. Whatever form that way takes, what counts is the manner we travel it, the Life we fill it with.
Still very much inspired by that image of a way, by the manner in which we find our own despite the darkness surrounding us or the bad weather in which we find ourselves, the idea of a lighthouse came to me during my holidays along the Atlantic coast of France
We visited one of those giants, placed near the places of danger, with the only purpose of saving lives, ships and goods. A reassuring symbol, powerful and accurate.
And when you are in the Lighthouse, another kind of voyage starts, one that is inside yourself, that demands strength, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties and fears, to believe in yourself and seek the light that shines so discretely at the top of all the stairs. Once all the way up you might be tired or emotional but the views that open in front of you are different and allow you to see yourself and what's around differently. I enjoy these symbols because they have a lot of similarities with what coaching is.
So I found the image representing my activity but still no name. Until that talk with a friend, another coach who helped me create my internet site. As we where brainstorming he came with that word and I made it mine.
The light beam, that wonderful ray of light that has the power of coming through the darkest of nights or the thickest of fog. The light beam is the raison d'être of the lighthouse, situated at the highest point to be seen from the furthest away possible. So it is my ambition to be able to bring some light, some clarity into situations that are hard to decipher, that make no sense. It is my ambition to walk with you alongside your path or even to help you find it again.
My personal experiences as a woman, as an NICU nurse, as a wife, as a mother, as a cancer survivor have made me more sensitive as to what gives meaning to life and what is necessary to give it its true valor. I see the difficulties imposed on us by our society's rythm. I see the multiple effects of stress on our bodies and minds and I can testify of the universal need for a better way of life, for meaning, for empowerment. My intimate feeling is that every person has in him-herself the resources needed to face life and that in discovering what they are, they find their own Way.
If you feel the need to bring some positive change into your life, if you are wondering where your energy went, your motivation and want to take some actions, give me a call! Coaching is a therapy that is anchored in the present, focused on the results that you can bring by your involvment into the process. It is a short term approach that bears fruits in the long term.
The way I coach is based on the holistic belief that we are a whole and need to be taken care, seen as a whole. Emotions, intelligence, intuition, body and beliefs make us who we are and they all need to be taken into consideration to have good results. If what you read has touched you, don't hesitate to make contact with me.